Membership Form

    Those individuals /companies that are not paid up members of Metals member organisations can apply for EXECUTIVE or CHARTERED membership. Those who are paid up members to the Metals member organisations are entitled to membership of the Sustainable Steel Council by virtue of their paid membership in:
  • metals organisations

Membership fees

Membership fees include the audit fees.

New Membership Fees effective from 1 July 2024 onwards
  No. of Employees Turnover Annual Fee
Executive Membership 

Members with representatives on the SSC Board of Directors

<$500k p.a. $1,050
$500k – <$2M $5,250
$2M – <$500M $10,500
>$500M $21,000
Chartered Membership

Industry / research / membership association or corporate body

Lesser of: 1-5 <$1M $525
6-19 $1M – <$5M $1,050
20-49 $5M – <$20M $2,100
50-99 $20M – <$100M $4,200
100+ $100M+ $8,400
Introductory Membership

This category only exists as an entry pathway for the first year

50% discount
Academic Membership $105
Student Membership Free. Term is 2 years
Note: These fees include the following:

  • If you are not a member of an industry association or corporate body (that holds Executive Membership), an additional $5,250 is charged
  • All membership fees include the annual audit fee
  • All fees exclude GST